Duct Tape Bracelet Craft

Published: July 30, 2013

duct tape bracelets and a giveaway from Artchoo.com Velcro. Raise your hand if you have something in your home with velcro on it. I’m sure you all raised your hands enthusiastically, but do you know how velcro was invented? Neither did we, but we found out in a short story we read on GenZ Read Together.

Since I read about the invention of velcro with Fen, I’ve been wanting to try to make duct tape velcro bracelets for ages. We also watched a video of David Letterman with his velcro suit jumping and sticking onto a velcro wall- remember when he did that? We rounded out our velcro exploration with the duct tape bracelet project, and I decided to get Beckett in on the action by making him duct tape watches.

duct tape bracelets and watches • Artchoo.com   Want to make some? Here’s our process: Materials:

Directions: You can approach the bracelet in a couple of ways. The easiest way is to cut off a long piece of tape and fold it sticky-side together, lengthwise. Wrap it around your wrist to measure the length, keeping in mind you will need about 1″ of overlap for the velcro square to be attached. Cut it to size with scissors. Decorate the bracelet with more tape, and add the velcro squares onto the ends. It’s that easy! duct tape bracelets • Artchoo.com

The second way we made the bracelets was by laying out stripes of tape onto a piece of printer paper, and then cutting out the strip to fit Fen’s wrist.making duct tape bracelets and watches • Artchoo.com For Beckett’s watches, we followed the bracelet directions, but added a watch face to the top. To make the watch face, simply place a strip of duct tape on either side of a piece of paper or card stock, trace around a small circle (we used a cap), and cut out. Draw on your watch numbers and attach it using more velcro. making duct tape watches • Artchoo.com   You can make several different watch faces to switch out according to your wee one’s outfit. Stylish. Duct tape watches project • Artchoo.com



12 thoughts on “Duct Tape Bracelet Craft”

  1. Thanks for the chance. Love your bracelet/watch idea.
    I think I need to get some of that cool colorful duct tape.
    We learned that Velcro is an example of biomimicry (at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History) this week. Reading this and and making these would be a fun follow up.

  2. My girls love to read, but it’s usually fiction. This sounds like a neat way to help them branch out a bit more. Thank you for the post!

  3. I am LOVING the duct tape bracelets. I tried to do duct tape art with the kids this summer and it wasn’t a huge hit (mostly due to my own inability to not fold the duct tape on itself at improper times). I wish I would’ve seen this idea first!


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